Sunday, April 27, 2014

River City
Mentor Walk

University of North Florida Arena

2 to 4 p.m.

Early stage business entrepreneurs will be matched with seasoned mentors to discuss business challenges and ideas during a 3 mile walk through the UNF campus.

So if you have the inclination to become An entrepreneur, this may be a great opportunity to learn from someone who has already been through the school of hard knocks.

For More information go to:


New McKenzieHR website to be unveiled soon

We’ll Keep You Posted on our progress.


For no charge you have the opportunity to ask human resources related questions of Bob McKenzie, President of McKenzieHR

To ASK Bob click here


Contact Information

4237 Salisbury Rd, Bld 1, Suite 112
Jacksonville, FL 32216

Phone: (904) 861-2903
Toll-Free: (888) 861-2903

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This newsletter is provided as a service to our clients and friends with the premise that informed clients are better clients. If you like it, feel free to pass it along to others. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on this or any other human resources related subject.

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Internship Season is Almost Here Do You Know the New Wage and Hour Rules?

We all look back on the good old days with a warm heart. Remember when it was commonplace to hire unpaid interns for the summer without worrying about getting sued? Remember when it was possible to have young college students work for your company for FREE all summer and they were happy to do it for the experience? Ah – the good old days – (heavy sigh)!!

In case you haven’t heard, there were a number of wage and hour lawsuits filed by unpaid interns that were decided in the past year or so. Some very big businesses such as: Condé Nast Publications, Warner Music Group, Atlantic Recording, Gawker Media, Fox Entertainment Group, NBC Universal, Viacom, Sony, and Universal Music Group were sued. In these cases, the interns won and were awarded back pay – which for most of them even at minimum wage – was a windfall. It is kind of sad in a way that Conde Nash Publications has decided to end its internship programs as a direct result of the lawsuit against them.

These Decisions Make Sense
If an “internship” is nothing more than a gofer job, then the individuals going fer coffee, lunch, dry cleaning, shopping or anything else that is not related to their career, they should be paid. If the interns are doing work that benefits the company, then they should be paid for this too. So these decisions are correct. These ruling regarding interns are not really new. They have actually been in effect since 1947. They were just ignored until recently.

One other thing to know is the Wage and Hour Division has made it clear that non-profit employers and those in the public sector are exempt from having to pay their interns. So interns are still able to work for free with the government and non-profits.

This does not mean that the unpaid internship is dead. But to qualify, the intern must have a total educational experience. This means that unpaid interns stop making coffee and lunch runs and do not perform mundane tasks such as answering the telephone or filing papers. A few years ago, the Wage and Hour Division issued guidance on unpaid interns, who are also referred to as trainees.

In order to qualify for an unpaid internship, all of the following MUST be met:

  1. The training, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to what would be given in a vocational school or academic educational instruction;
  2. The training is for the benefit of the trainees;
  3. The trainees do not displace regular employees, but work under their close observation;
  4. The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the trainees, and on occasion the employer’s operations may actually be impeded;
  5. The trainees are not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period; and
  6. The employer and the trainees understand that the trainees are not entitled to wages for the time spent in training.

The wage and hour guidance goes on to say, “In general, the more a training program is centered around a classroom or academy as opposed to the employer’s actual operations, the more likely the activity is training. Also, the more the training is providing the workers (interns) with skills that can be used in multiple employment settings, as opposed to skills particular to one employer’s operation, the more likely the worker is a trainee (and, therefore, qualifies as being an unpaid internship).

On the other hand, if the workers are engaged in the primary operations of the employer and are performing productive work (for example, filing, performing other clerical work, or assisting customers), then the fact that they may be receiving some benefits in the form of a new skill or improved work habits is unlikely to make them trainees given the benefits received by the employer.”

If you intend to use unpaid interns this summer, make sure you know the rules. Make sure you make it a meaningful experience for the interns by designing it in a way that furthers their career ambitions. Do not have your interns do meaningless work. Ensure they come away from their experience with more knowledge of their field and more confidence in their abilities.

It’s a win – win and we all like win-win results.


The Required Disclaimer
The McKenzie Mailer is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Before implementing any action on this subject, contact an expert in the field.

Thanks for reading The McKenzie Mailer. If you would like more information on this topic or any other human resources issues, please call us at 904-861-2903 or drop me an e-mail.

Bob McKenzie, President
Winner of the 2012 Ultimate HR Executive by the Jacksonville Business Journal and the Man of Steel Award from Entrepreneurial Anchor Magazine.



Members of TeamMcKenzie
Bob McKenzie, Head HR Guy
Darlene Thomas Rivers – – Vice President of Client Services
Adrienne Temple – Client Services Specialist


March 2014
EEO Laws Should Make Us All Better Managers
February 2014
Will All the Perfect People Please Stand Up?
January 2014
We’re Baaaaack and More Focused
February 2013
Your Only Competitive Advantage - Your People
January 2013
Are We Managing Talent or Stifling It?
August 2012
I'm Going to Write You Up
June 2012
Ray’s Story – A Wage and Hour Saga
April 2012
Bob's Common Sense Theory On Leadership
February 2012
Don't be Complacent When it Comes to Compliance
January 2012
Optimism is Flowing
October 2011
UH OH!! Turnover is Starting to Rear Its Ugly Head Again.
May 2011
Small Business Week and Government Agencies are Being a Grinch
April 2011
I Want it All and I Want it Now!!
March 2011
Leadership Essentials
February 2011
Where's the Leadership Fad?
January 2011
Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Diversity. Where does it end???
December 2010
It is That Time of The Year
November 2010
The Department of Labor is on a Mission You have to be Careful Out There
September 2010
Following the Crowd is a Good Way to get Lost in it
August 2010
Customer Service Is Your Competitive Advantage
June 2010
Social Networking – Be Careful out There
April 2010
Is That a Light in The Tunnel?
January 2010
What's Your Theme Song?
December 2009
2009 Was Definitely a Murphy Year
August 2009
Swine Flu Preparations - Knowledge of Risk is the Best Course of Action
July 2009
Are Rising Healthcare Costs Making You Sick?
June 2009
Diversity – Who Cares?
May 2009
Why the Huge Increase in Discrimination Charges?
April 2009
EEOC Charges at a Record High
March 2009
Eaten Any Brains Lately??
February 2009
Just Trying to Keep Up with All of the Changes
January 2009
Compliance Update Handbooks Need Updating Too
December 2008
Employee Free Choice Act – Not a Free Choice at All
November 2008
The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act Clarified
October 2008
Effective Handbooks Save Time and Money
September 2008
Negating the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism
August 2008
What's Your People Plan
July 2008
Human Resources Strange But True People Stories
June 2008
HR Compliance Issues at the Forefront
May 2008
Performance Management Never Stops
April 2008
Don’t Make Tough Times Tougher
March 2008
What Ever Happened to the Personal Touch?
December 2007
It's That Time of Year Again
November 2007
HR Hot Topic #3 - Immigration
September 2007 -
HR Hot Topic #2 - Controlling the Cost of Medical Benefits
August 2007 -
HR Hot Topic #1 Recruitment and Retention
June 2007 -
Strategic Human Resources is Not an Oxymoron
May 2007 -
Is It Really a Hostile Work Environment?
April 2007 -
What happens after a new employee is hired?
March 2007 -
February 2007 -
January 2007 -
Discrimination & Harassment
December 2006 -
October 2006 -
The Why Label Generation Y?
September 2006 -
The World of Recruitment Has Changed
August 2006 -
Keep Your "A" Players
July 2006 -
Traits of a High Performance Workplace
June 2006 -
Is a Mediocre Employee Better Than No Employee?
May 2006 -
The Compliance Vultures are Circling – Are You Prepared?
April 2006 -
Is Administrivia Keeping HR from Getting a Seat at the Table?
March 2006 -
Agreeing to Disagree or Avoiding the Subject
February 2006 -
Happy Valentine's Day
January 2006 -
Be a Talent Magnet and a Talent Utilizer